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Cancellation Policy 

You may cancel your order anytime before the product is shipped.

If order is shipped already but not delivered then you may cancel the order and you will be given a complete refund.

The Courier /payment Gateway cost to be borne by customer if cancelled after shipping.

The refund will be processed immediately upon cancellation. A maximum timeframe of 24 working hours is applicable. After which the payment gateway processing time is applicable.

Return Eligibility:- 

The Goods must be in the original packaging and unopened and sent back to the company head office.

An email is sent within 2 days from the receipt of the goods along with appropriate images showing the damage or defect in pack.

After opening the parcel, if product is found damaged - Pics of the damaged product may be required.

If any product under any FREE scheme is given has to be returned back with the product purchased.


If order is shipped already but not delivered then you may cancel the order and you will be given a complete refund.

After delivery the customer is eligible for refunds on the following cases:

Acceptible reasons:

Quality issue - Pics/small video of the product will be required.

Late delivery - Above than shipping time declared in shipping policy. The customer will need to return the product in original packaging in order for a refund.

Customer needs to send a mail at stating the reason that they are requesting a refund

Partial or complete refund is on discretion of USMS Saffron Co. Inc. after the product is inspected through pictures/video or physically. Within 4 to 5 working days we will issue the process of the refund and furthermore the timeframe will depend on the payment gateway.

Products purchased under a scheme with freebies must be sent along with the freebies back in order for a refund.